Monday, May 17, 2010

believe in The Creator, for He creates everything

i started the day with a new resolution; never skip class again for these final days as a student. i'd been neglecting classes for the past 2 weeks, putting aside lectures for the sake of completing assignment. shameful, i know. tapi dah dekat-dekat nak habis ni la baru nak menyesal. typical. lol

mbb class taught by dr. kan mun seng has never been an interesting lecture session to attend. but today's class made me realize that science is not just another boring, headache-inducing, extremely difficult area to learn. it opens our eyes to the world, makes us look at plants and animals with different view, not merely with naked eyes that are easily blinded. it provides opportunity to appreciate and admirer the masterpieces of God.  (i know all these,just that i always live in denial ;p)

today's lecture was related to using evolutionary concept in proteomic analysis of organisms. the theory of evolution always confuses me. is it true that we evolve from monkey? as a muslim i strongly oppose to that.

"Dan di antara tanda-tanda kekuasaan-Nya ialah Dia menciptakan kamu dari tanah, kemudian tiba-tiba kamu (menjadi) manusia yang berkembang biak." (30.20, Al-Ruum)

but so-called scientific evidences strongly favours the theory. in MUFY i was fed with the fact that evolution indeed happen, 
"Evolution indeed happen,whether you like it or not,
whether you can accept it or not.
We all have evolved from monkeys" 
but dr. kan strong rejection toward the theory fascinated me, as he believed the concept of ONE creator. just because we have some features similar to monkeys, doesn't mean that we are the descendant of monkeys. from the very obvious feature of bi-pedalism to the minute detail of genetic similarities, these are not enough to put us in any part of monkey historical lineage. they just prove that we're created by the same creator,
whom can simply alter here and there in His every creation. with some similarities with other organisms here and a little bit of difference there.thus making each of existing/extinct creature unique.  his analogy was so simple:

we have a loaf of bread and a jar of biscuit and after series of analysis we found out the bread and biscuits have the same carbon source. should we say the biscuits have evolved from the bread? or once the bread harden it becomes biscuits? the simplest explanation could be they are made by the same baker, whom uses the same flour or sugar. thus resulting in similar/same carbon source. "I can accept the concept of one creator,but evolution?No no no."

well- explained and easy to understand. interesting when what i thought as boring turns out to be mind blowing. in fact everything i've learned, everything in this world leads back to our Creator. for He creates everything.just that im not being critical enough to realize it.

so moral of the story: rajin-rajinlah ke kelas.

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