Saturday, May 8, 2010

bebelan di tengah malam

it is 3.19 in the morning.
it is not the best time to be wide awake, not being able to sleep again.
not with this running nose.
*srott srott!*
yeah,the naughty virus choose this time to attack.
when i'm heavily surrounded with overflowing assignments.
terima kasih virus sbb bagi extra dugaan!

just now i suddenly woke up with the sound of something fallen off my bed.
the first thought i had was 
nearly got a heart attack.
like the heart had stopped pumping the blood throughout the whole body.
like the body had became paralyzed.
like my worst nightmare finally came true.
and i was screaming like mad in the midst of darkness.
when the light bulb gave away its brightness,
i was beyond relief when the truth unveiled.
'laa buku ke yg jatuh'
paranoid,i was.
: P

my current sort-of-addiction now is learning nursery rhymes from the kids.
they are just too cute when they try hard to teach me the songs.
even akak knows them.
sbb danish yg ajar.
he's a very brilliant boy,always so eager to share everything he has learned from school.

these kids song range just from everything.
from apple to fishing to just whatever they (the creators) can think of.
very creative indeed.
here are some i memorize just by sing along with them.

once i caught a fish alive
but i let it go again.

why did u let it go?
cause it bit my finger so.
which finger did it bite?
this little finger on my right.
apple round apple red,
apple juicy apple sweet,
apple apple i like you,
apple sweet i like to eat.

and this song i always fail to memorize since i was a kindy kid myself.
now only at 22 i manage to know the lyrics.
itu pun separuh je.
pathetic,isn't it?

1,2 buckle my shoe,
3,4 knock the door,
5,6 pick up sticks,
7,8 lay them straight,
9,10 a big fat hen.

i remembered the annoyed face danish had when i kept asking him the lyrics.
'danish,lepas 5,6 apa dia?'
'danish,syina lupa la,tadi apa?'
'danish,nyanyi once again boleh?'

enough for now.
need to get my much needed sleep.
it's not easy to get quality sleep nowadays.
not with all the assignments haunting me day by day.


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