Wednesday, February 24, 2010

it's perhentian time babe!

and tonight i'm going to perhentian island!
cantik! ;)

to be honest,i've no money to spend on this trip.
unless i 'korek' february's saving,
which is a heartbreaking thing to do.
nampaknya,my target to save up 4k before the start of the new semester is doomed.

but then,
i remembered the gloomy days i had months back.
i relied on these guys to cheer me up,
to make me laugh through my tears,
to make me happy despite the heartache.
so what is money compared to their support when i need it most?
so after millions of pujuk rayu,
i gave in.
although i really hope more will join us tonight.

perhentian,here we come!

p/s- hey kalau aku takde duit bukak sem ni,korang kena support financially ok?
bukan morally jek tau!


  1. Dtg la NZ pulak. Lagi banyak boleh save.hehehe :-)

  2. ooh yeah mmg nak pergi pun.mintak permission dulu then dpt green light cepat2 beli beli tix dulu baru mintak permission ek?hehe ;p
