Monday, December 28, 2009

serenade me and i'll melt with you..

while working in the lab today, my ears were buzzing with the lyric

'i still believe......'

it kept playing in my mind,
i couldn't get it out of my head..
worse,i couldn't remember what song it was..
sure,it totally annoyed me when i was pretty sure i knew it,
and it just stubbornly stuck at the back of my head,blocking my memory..

at last,ting tong!
*light bulb flashing furiously*


here's the video of the song.

jiwang seh dengar.
if only someone can serenade me with this...*sigh dreamily*
tak kisahlah whether it sounds so gay or not.

these songs below are also my all-time favourites.

this is like my super duper darling of all.

first listened to this song at sunway college musical theater or something.

another one of mariah carey's song

imagine someone playing guitar singing his heart out to you..wuhuu!

i don't really listen to music much,but there are some songs that have the power to stay longer in my brain than the rest.
if i got hooked up with a particular song,i'd play it thousands of times back to back until i feel like puking up.
or until my roommate feels so.

don't blame me on my choice of songs.
i'm a romantic at heart ;;)

weekend @ kampung

this weekend had been a blast for me and the whole family.
everybody went back to kampung to meet up with paknyah and maknyah (they are my uncle and auntie,i know their names are a bit weird and kelakar) whom just came back from haji.
so semua org pun balik kampung nak dpt their bit of share la kan.
biasa la tu.
meeting my little and not-so-little cousins had never been this fun.
adik,kak nab and i went through shopping list for next month's bandung trip.
believe me,the lists are so long,especially adik's.
 i don't know how mak and abah are going to endure our shopping craze there.

as for the little ones, although are rather annoying at times,they cheered up everybody.
tapi kalau dah over sangat mengada-ngada tu,cik na akan menunjukkan ke'monster'an la.
ha baru takut! 

lately i really appreciate the spirit of togetherness and unity everywhere i go.
i love the sense of belonging and the love among people.

every second that passes should be prized,we never know what will happen next.
one second we're happy,the next we know we're crying our heart out over the loss of someone we love.
so being sentimental as i am now,i get touchy feely very easily when being around family and friends.

jadi,hargailah orang yang tersayang :)

oh lupa.
apart from the souvenir-giving ceremony,we all bergotong royong preparing bubur asyura,a black solid bubur normally cooked in conjunction with hari asyura (on 10 Muharram).
it was an easy peasy bubur to make.
basically you just threw in everything you had in your kitchen into a large black wok,and stir it until it solidified a bit.
it is actually quite hard to specify opah's recipe,as she would just campak everything into her cooking without bothering to measure and taste it.
still,the end result: s.u.p.e.r.b! 

some of the ingredients i saw her campak-campak into the wok were:
lots of onion,garlic and ginger
all types of nuts and beans
sotong kering
udang kering
wheat flour 
coconut milk
sugar cane (as in tebu)
black pepper
some unidentified ingredients.

*no pictures to illustrate bubur asyura,please use your imagination*

i think not many people are aware of this hari asyura,
therefore i've compiled some notes regarding the history and amalan sunat during hari asyura.
 together we benefit from them.

Peristiwa yang berlaku pada hari Asyura:
  • Allah jadikan 7 petala langit dan 7 petala bumi.
  • Allah jadikan bulan,bintang,matahari dan cakrawala.
  • Allah jadikan Arasy,Loh Mahfuz,Kalam dan Malaikat.
  • Allah mencipta Nabi Adam Alaihissallam.
  • Allah menjadikan Siti Hawa.
  • Allah menjadikan Syurga.
  • Dimasukkan Nabi Adam ke dalam Syurga.
  • Taubat Nabi Adam diterima Allah.
  • Nabi Noh diselamatkan oleh Allah keluar dari bahtera setelah bumi tenggelam selama enam bulan.
  • Nabi Ibrahim dilahirkan dan 10 Muharram juga Baginda diselamatkan Allah daripada pembakaran Raja Zamrud.
  • Allah menurunkan kitab Taurat kepada Nabi Musa.
  • Nabi Yusuf dibebaskan dari penjara.
  • Pengelihatan Nabi Yaakob yang buta dipulihkan oleh Allah.
  • Nabi Ayub dipulihkan oleh Allah dari penyakit kulit yang dideritainya.
  • Nabi Yunus selamat keluar dari perut ikan setelah berada didalamnya selama empat puluh hari dan empat puluh malam.
  • Laut merah terbelah dua untuk menyelamatkan Nabi Musa bersama pengikutnya daripada tentera Firaun.
  • Firaun dan pengikutnya tenggelam kedalam lautan tersebut.
  • Nabi Sulaiman dikurniakan Allah Kerajaan yang besar.
  • Hari pertama Allah mencipta alam dan menurunkan hujan.
Amalan-amalan sunat pada Hari Asyura:
  • Berpuasa-Pahalanya seperti mengerjakan haji dan umrah dan mati syahid.
  • Mandi dan membersihkan diri-Nescaya hatinya tidak akan mati dan tidak akan jatuh sakit pada tahun itu kecuali mati.
  • Melebihkan perbelanjaan dalam keluarga-Diluaskan Allah rezekinya serta beroleh keamanan dan kesihatan.
  • Mengusap kepala anak yatim dan menaruh belas kasihan terhadap mereka- Diangkat oleh Allah darjatnya kesyurga.
  • Sesiapa yang berbuat baik terhadap anak yatim pada hari Asyura, seolah-olah ia telah berbuat baik kepada semua anak yatim.
  • Menziarahi orang alim (banyak ilmu) dan belajar sesuatu ilmu daripadanya-Pahalanya seperti orang Muhajirin dan Ansar.
  • Menziarahi orang sakit - Pahalanya seolah-olah ia telah menziarahi semua orang yang sedang sakit.
  • Bersedekah - Pahalanya sepertiu bersedekah satu tahun kepada zuriat Nabi Adam dan seolah-olah ia tidak pernah menolak permintaan orang yang meminta kepadanya seumur hidup.
  • Membaca surah Al-Ikhlas sebanyak 1000 kali--Doanya dimakbulkan Allah.
  • Sunat bercelak mata - InsyaAllah tidak terkena sakit mata atau matanya dilindungi Allah daripada perkara maksiat.
  • Sunat menginai dan mengerat kuku.
  • Menjamu dan memberi minum kepada orang-Allah akan memberi seteguk air pada hari akhirat dimana dengan seteguk air itu tidak akan haus buat selama-lamanya.
  • Solat sunat 4 rakaat 1 salam pada waktu Asar - Diampunkan Allah dosanya selama 50 tahun terdahulu dan terkemudian.
  • Memperkukuhkan silaturrahim - Insya Allah dipanjangkan usianya.
  •  Memperbanyakkan Zikir dan Selawat.(Khasbunnallah wa nikmal wakil, nikmal maula wa nikman nassir)

Monday, December 21, 2009

note from the author

whoa!i'm a blogger now.welcome myself to the blogging world!
well,it's not like i never have a blog before.
i had one but i just think it was full of emotionally-driven thoughts and not so wise words.
it was full of craps.
nak baca balik pun malu.terasa diriku x berapa pandai pulak.haha..

i always love to write.i love the power of words in expressing various feelings; joys,angers,hatreds,dissapointments,sarcasms.
back in f1 in boarding school,i didn't have so many friends.
i was kinda the new girl from kl that stole the limelight of the top students.
it was hell man back then.
but it was my decision to stay,so i had to endure the pain la kan.
i know i was an iron lady,and still proud of it \^o^/
ok2 having said that,i used words to channel my frustration.
i used to write short poems when i felt low and alone.
tak tau guna words siap tanya kakak senior sebelah katil lagi.
i found solace in writing.
aha!and my passion for writing did pay off in school when i scored the highest mark in batch for BM karangan during both spm trials (maybe in spm as well?;p)
at times when i didn't know what to write during exams i would just hentam dan mengarut sesuka hati,buat2 pandai.
and it turned out the teacher felt it was a masterpiece!hahaha..
the best part is,a junior told me some of my karangan are still being used as references in school *wink*
(see,how can i resist feeling proud of myself.ngeh ngeh ngeh)

leaving the gloriuos past behind, i shall admit my skill in writing has faded off and my vocabs are now limited to
'finding statistical matches between nucleotide or protein sequences to the sequences in database'
'the electrophoretic mobility of a macromolecule is thought to be determined primarily on the volume fraction of pores within the gel that the macromolecule can enter'.
interesting huh?

words create impressions,images and expectations as well as hopes.
i remembered reading emails sent to my friend which were full of hopes and desires for the future.
we both planned to study at countries of our choices and told each other to strive hard for what we wanted.
and no,we both don't end up having what we wished for.
but still,reading what we wrote in the past reminds me of how optimistic i was.
it inspires me in a way on how to face the future, the budak2 sekolah style.
how powerful words can be.

seriously,i need to start writing again.
my choice of vocabs has rusted very badly.
plus,there are so many things to whine about ;p
